Meet the Author!
Krista Jain
I may be a new author, but I'm not a new writer. I've been writing stories, mostly fanfiction, ever since I was a pre-teen.
I did this for fun though and didn't take it seriously until I started planning A Rokian's Curse. Before then, I never thought I would be an author, nor did I want to be one. You won't believe me telling you this, but I hated to write as a kid. I never wanted to do it and I most certainly didn't want to write full books! Huh... Funny how that worked out because now I can't imagine what it's like without writing all the time!
I always had a love for stories though, especially fantasy. What better way to express those passions than with writing? I think my younger self was missing out...
I'm into all kinds of geeky stuff like books, games, and movies, and I also like to meet new people. Why don't you leave me a message on social media? You can also email me or join the discussions in my blog!